Planetary Energies and Shifts December 2020

How to deal with the powerful shifts the next two weeks:Dec. 10 Pluto square Eris (still) Dec. 14 Solar eclipse Dec. 18 Saturn moves into Aquarius Dec. 20 Jupiter moves into Aquarius Jupiter and Saturn squaring Uranus Dec. 21 Jupiter/Saturn exact conjunct in AquariusDec. 23, Mars square PlutoDec. 21-Oct 2021 Pluto square Eris

Many people have asked me to comment on the current astrology, and these thoughts came to me during meditation.The experience of these energetic shifts will be different (and appropriate) for each of us – based on the current phase of our awakening journey and our personal life story. Many of these energetic shifts continue into 2021.

Most of dates are launch points and energize future cycles.If you are a meditator this is payday. Meditate twice a day for 30 minutes for maximum benefit. This will process the shifting energy. View every experience with equanimity, let go, and experience peace.Hydrate. Abstain from sugar and alcohol (not helpful with strong energetic shifts.) Eat healthy whole foods.Be outside. Feel sunshine. Breathe fresh air.Allow the energetic shifts to happen. This means to rest when you need to rest. Do grounding exercises (I have a free grounding exercise under Resources, my website.)

Take time outs.When you are resting, bring your awareness into your body. Be aware of the energy in your body.Bring your awareness to your aura - the energetic space out about 12-24” from your body. What is happening in your aura?  Release old or toxic energies. Connect with positive energies. Check the vibration of the energy in your aura. Is it steady!? Shifting? Expanding? Increasing!? Connect with it. Stay with it as long as necessary to increase your awareness, let go, recalibrate and connect.Align your spiritual energy with your mind and your physical body. Just relax and visualize this. The more they are aligned the better.

How is your mind!? With meditation your mind will be calmer. How much news are you watching? Probably too much. The energetic shift now is more important than mundane news events that are happening. Stay more connected to spiritual shifts than mundane news.You want to connect with this spiritual shift. Staying connected to the news cycle and social media cycles is not helpful for this.Avoid toxic people. Why let them mess with your energy? You may think this is harder with “the holidays” but if not now, when!? Again, the primary thing is  to align your mind, body and spirit and be open and available for the shift. Why let historically toxic people/relationships screw that up!? The time is now.

Let the new energy in. And for that to happen there needs to be space. Letting go of old clutter creates the opening and the space.Burn sage, candles, palo santo. Bless them.

Honor the traditions (to avoid cultural appropriation.)Write down what you are releasing and burn them.Write down what you are keeping and create a sacred place to manifest them (mainly in your heart.)Love your pets, plants and loves ones.Breathe in peace and harmony. Breathe out pain and discord.Smile.Trust the transitions. Trust the new energy. Allow it to happen. Allow yourself to shift. Be open and trust.Make your love pure.Stretch. Move. Dance.

Reminder: the energetic shifts will happen to each of us based on the stage of our journey and our personal story – and to be aware and participate as described above makes it better. Awareness always makes it better.From my heart and soul to yours. Be mighty with the Aquarian shift.

Margaret 12.10.20


2021 Major Transformative Transits and Retrogrades


Insights for November and December 2020