2021 Major Transformative Transits and Retrogrades



 Below is an outline of the major transformative transits of 2021. This information includes the transits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto as I am most interested in their deep transforming nature. As you can see, the major transit for the year is Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. This will be in effect all year, so check where it is happening in your chart. Saturn in Aquarius is geared up to take the revolution and your individuation seriously. And Uranus is Taurus wants to activate genius energy aligned with the rebellion and evolution of consciousness. Real, solid, Taurus change is possible and we must do our work.The second chart is an outline of all of the retrogrades for the year. It is helpful that Mars in not retrograding!  And Venus does not retrograde until December 19, 2021. This provides us with some ease, in that these close-in, personal planets will be moving forward all year. Mid August to Mid October are loaded with retrogrades. This is a good time to slow down and review the first half of the year with an eye toward the second half of the year. (Please note the second drawing is for 2021!)


The Insight Center Newsletter June 2021


Planetary Energies and Shifts December 2020