Adyashanti, The Way of Liberation


I recently read The Way of Liberation, A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, by Adyashanti, It is an incredible little book and I highly recommend it.This book came to me at a perfect time and his information has been incredibly helpful to me. I have captured below his first steps, the Five Foundations, along with some of his, and my notes. I keep this list printed in my journal so I can see it every morning and every night.You can read about his work at his website, Five Foundations [of awakening}

  1. Clarify your aspiration

  • Life unfolds along the lines of what you value most.

  • Become more unified, clear and certain of your direction.

  1. Unconditional Follow-through

  • Gather energy and attention together into a unified force and directing it toward your aspiration.

  • What are you willing to do or let go of doing?

  • Be present, sincere and committed

  • Aspiration of the heart.

  • Aspiration and unconditional follow-through and love is the strongest force in the Universe.

  • Unified and one-pointed enough for aspiration to survive.

  1. Never abdicate your authority

  • Take full responsibility for your life and never abdicate over to someone else.

  • A spiritual teaching is a finger pointed toward Reality, it is not Reality itself.

  • Apply teaching – don’t just believe.

  1. Practice absolute sincerity

  • Honesty, genuineness and integrity.

  • Let go of being; judgment toward yourself.

  • True sincerity reveals powerful clarity and discernment in order to perceive yourself honestly without being captive to your conditioned mind’s judgment and defensiveness.

  • The capacity and willingness to be honest with yourself is your greatest guard against self-deception and deceit and aligns you with your genuine aspiration.

  1. Be a good steward of your life.

  • Do not use spirituality to avoid any aspect of yourself or your life – this will inhibit the dawning of spiritual enlightenment to a great extent – and its depth and stability.

  • Completely face yourself – your life without withdrawing into denied, judgment or magical thinking.

  • Embrace every aspect of your life, inner and outer, pleasant and unpleasant.

  • Give each moment the attention, sincerity and commitment it deserves. A failure to do so is more costly that you can imagine.

  • Pay attention to what life is trying to reveal to you. Say yes to its fierce, ruthless and loving grace.

The Way of Liberation, A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. Adyashanti, pages 1-7.


Inquiry, by Adyashanti


Insights for September 2014