Tough Times Clear Tough Karma

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“…what has happened to us has happened because of the formed soul we already have within us at birth, the special gift we have to give the world that needs to be developed, and so we experience what we experience in order to strengthen and expand this unique soul talent or skill, and if we self-actualize this gift of our soul we will have found our calling in the world around us.”The Soul’s Code:  A Search for Character and Calling, James Hillman

This was part of a great posting about Persephone, by that is beautifully written and very apropos for today, our times and soul growth in general.    I ordering James Hillman’s book today because this aligns with my thinking about the soul and the soul’s evolution.“Any situations we may have been drawn into recently, no matter how difficult, are most likely connected with our soul path and for whatever reason on a soul level we are meant to have faced whatever difficult trials and tests we have been experiencing.  In fact, there may have even been a side to the difficulties that called out to us like a siren, something about our future direction calling to us from the events surrounding the experience. “

Persephone, who transforms her abduction experience into wisdom and empowers herself with the mysteries of life, death, and the spirit world.  Persephone alternates between two worlds- the living and the dead, the light and the dark, the conscious and the unconscious- in order to bring balance and equilibrium into her being.”–Ariel Guttman and Kenneth Johnson, Mythic Astrology, (p. 174) (I ordered this book too, I’ll let you know how I like it.)

If you are experiencing tough times and/or tough changes, I hope this gives you a broader perspective and opens you to possibilities.  Tough times clear tough karma. 


Jung, Mythology, and Astrology