The Insight Center Newsletter August 2021

The Insight Center Newsletter August 2021 

You can see this and prior posts at Insight Center Journal.  On the Journal page you can search for any topic (grief, relationships, meditation, etc.) and all quotes related to that topic will be collected and shown.

I have a revised my website!  Many thanks to the very talented Lara Townsend for her work on the redesign.

Lara Wilson Townsend 
Brand Designer, Nom de Pixel, LLC

p 248-231-8634 | w


“Is it good for your soul?” Margaret Gervais

 “Feel it all. Whatever may come up. Even if the present hurts. Even if the past is roaring. Heroes do not run away. Healing is not wone easily. Let your emotions breathe. Even if it is hard. Feel wisely. Without letting what is temporary control you.  Find the space where you can honor what you feel without letting it consume your day.  Let it burn but do not keep feeding the fire. Acceptance makes real freedom possible.” Yung Pueblo

“Be your own emotional support.” Margaret Gervais

“The ocean of life will push you here and there until you turn on the motor of your boat and sail through the waves that try to hold you back.” Yung Pueblo

“We depend on our own felt sense of the truth. And we can spend a lifetime discovering it.” Sallie Tisdale

“Our challenge as modern people is to look beyond the superficial and see the subtle truth that carries more depth.” Yung Pueblo

 I am fully vaccinated and welcome back all fully vaccinated clients for all services in person, one-on-one, in Portland. I will also continue to see clients via Zoom. 


“Through equanimity and in that peace, there is a great power; the two go hand in hand. Through equanimity, we fortify ourselves with non-fear, with compassion, with acceptance. We cultivate the strength to face reality without being crushed by it.” Kaira Jewel Lingo

“This truth [of impermanence] changes our perspective and makes us much happier.  It helps us appreciate the life we have right now – moment by moment.  It helps us understand that every day is a bonus.” Trungram Cyalwa Rincoche. Tricycle

“Look at the real nature of the harm that is done to you. It is as elusive as a drawing on water. Let your resentment subside by itself. When the stormy waves of thoughts have vanished, the mind becomes like the cloudless sky that has nothing to win or lose.”  Shechen Gyaltsap *1871-1926)


I am teaching Vipassanā Meditation and Spiritual Practices Courses in Portland and on Zoom. Contact me if you are interested, or read more at Insight Center Meditation Course

HEALING insights

A recorded Grounding Exercise is available at Grounding Exercise. Use this exercise as often as needed to help you be grounded during these challenging times.

This is an 11.11 minute grounding exercise to help you get grounded. A lot of us have chaotic lives, busy minds, a lot of stress, and we are not grounded. Being grounded means that our mind, body, nervous system, and energy system are relaxed, at ease, and held. We can be rooted in the earth like the strong roots of a huge old tree.

During challenging times, this exercise can be helpful. Connect and ground through your root chakra every day.

There is no need to over think this! Please relax, breathe, listen and follow these simple instructions. You can do this exercise daily – or as often as you need to do it.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at   

ASTROLOGY insights

Chiron, the wounded healer planet went retrograde July 16, 2021, at 12˚56 Aries.

Dec 19, 2021, it goes direct again at 8˚Aries.  And, on April, 12, 2022, it is back to 12˚56 Aries

(where it started to retrograde.)

This retrograde cycle for Chiron is almost a year long and affects us most if we have planets at these degrees Aries – or these degrees in Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.

How will you work to heal your woundedness?


Insight Center Newsletter for October 2021


The Insight Center Newsletter June 2021