
Insights for October 2016



"If you spend 30 seconds in the luminous experience of why you were born to live, it will change your life forever."

"When you are serious about deepening, circumstances will arrive to challenge you."

"When the light starts to shine within you, more is exposed."

"How afraid are you of your own internal depth?

""Find your 'thread of continuity' from what you are deeply meant to do to how you are living."

"Don't rush a solution - stay with the problem and digest the issue and solutions will manifest."

"Reality is the constant self expression of who you are."

"When you are serious about deepening, circumstances will arrive that will challenge you." Mark Jones, 'The Destiny Line" workshop, 10.8.16, Portland.

"You don't have to overthink being in alignment with your destiny." Margaret Gervais

"It's a little more like the image of a caterpillar - enclosing itself in a cocoon in order to go through the metamorphosis to emerge as a butterfly. The caterpillar doesn't say: "Well now. I'm going to climb into this cocoon and come out a butterfly." It's just an inevitable process. It's inevitable. It's just happening. It's GOT to happen that way.We're talking about a metamorphosis; we're talking about going from a caterpillar to butterfly. We're talking about how to become a butterfly. I mean, the caterpillar isn't walking around saying, "Man I'll soon be a butterfly, because as long as he's busy being a caterpillar he can't be a butterfly. It's only when caterpillarness is done that one starts to be a butterfly and that again is part of this paradox - you cannot rip away caterpillarness." Ram Dass

"To be free means to open your heart and your being to the fullness of who you are, because only when you are resting in the place of unity can you truly honor and appreciate others and the incredible diversity of the universe." Ram Dass

"You can reconstruct your future in your present." Margaret Gervais 10.31.16

"The challenge of total transformation - individual - personal and collective - social - is confronting us, if our eyes are open, our minds clear, and our ego allows us to reach beyond its fears and its insecure boundaries. When we are able to accept such a challenge, everything changes." From Humanistic to Transpersonal Astrology, Dan Rudhyar, 1975.

"From the same inexhaustible source all seeds grow and develop, all cells realize their function - There is a structural law, a cosmic principle by which perceptible forms are sustained and which governs the process of transformation in all things. This can be realized only because the center principle manifests itself through man in the same ways as it does through a flower or a star; in it we may discover our cosmic commonality - our cosmic community ... At the core each man is the center of his own compass and experiences...""We are defined not only by our place on the physical level, but by our position in consciousness, and these are an interdependent whole..." Mandala, Jose and Miriam Arguelles, 1972, p.12-13.

"the secret is believing in yourself so deeply that no matter the obstacle, you will be able to create a bridge from your deepest aspiration to a future that you always knew was your destiny" yung pueblo

 "I kept running away from my darkness until I understood that in it I would find my freedom" yung pueblo

 "if you ignore it, you cannot heal it" yung pueblo

 "the people with the power to move and act through unconditional love will be the healers and heroes of our planet." yung pueblo

 "it is not over until you are free" yung pueblo


"Future fear is only based on actual past fear re-enacting." Mark Jones, 'The Destiny Line" workshop, 10.8.16, Portland.


"Before I could release the weight of my sadness and pain, I first had to honor its existence." Yung Pueblo

"By pushing away the painful aspect of an experience, Freud observed, his friends were isolating themselves from their own capacity to love. and grieving, like separation and connection, are co-constitutive. Opening oneself to one emotion deepens the experience of the other. The heart can open in sadness as much as it does in joy." Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart, Mark Epstein, M.D., p. 64.


"I think in relationships, you create an environment with your own work on yourself, which you offer to another human being to use to grow in the way they need to grow. You keep working – you become the soil – moist and soft and receptive so the person can grow the way they need to grow, because how do you know how they should grow?" Ram Dass

" — at its truest and most potent, love invariably does change us, deconditioning our painful pathologies and elevating us toward our highest human potential."

"In the most nourishing kind of love, the communion of togetherness coexists with an integrity of individuality, the two aspects always in dynamic and fluid dialogue."Brain Pickings,


"Healing yourself is the development of your personal feeling of freedom and happiness." Yung Pueblo

"Nothing softens the wounds of your ancestors like the sweetness of your existence." undocumedia on instagram

"It doesn't matter that you can't remember past lives, you are still existentially responsible for it."

"Bring the truth of your history to the present."

"Don't give up what's most precious to your deeper self to function as a conditioned self." Mark Jones, 'The Destiny Line" workshop, 10.8.16, Portland.

"if you ignore it, you cannot heal it" yung pueblo

 "before we can heal and let go, what ails us deeply must first come to the surface" yung pueblo


Where is Uranus in your birth chart, email me back and I will tell/remind you!

"Uranus represents energetic soul memory."

"Uranus is the critical astrological significance of trauma."Mark Jones, 'The Destiny Line" workshop, 10.8.16, Portland.

"Pluto starts to make soul memories into a narrative." Mark Jones, 'The Destiny Line" workshop, 10.8.16, Portland.

"Every birth-chart is the mandala of an individual life. It is the blue-print of the process of individuation for this particular individual. To follow it understandingly is to follow 'the conscious way," the way of collective wholeness, that is, the way of the active fulfillment of the wholeness of being that is Self (as Jung understands this term.) The Astrology of Personality, Dane Rudhyar, 1936, p.113.

For those of you curious about the BBC story that tends to resurface now and then that says there are actually 13 signs of the zodiac and your sign is off, this is the best description I have seen in a long time that explains how astrology uses the signs of the zodiac - not the actual exact degrees of the stars forming the constellations in the sky.

"What we use is really the earth's Aura, It is a sphere or ovoid, the poles of which coincide with the poles of the Ecliptic and its middle or equatorial plane is the Ecliptic. ... This sphere is divided into twelve parts like the sections of an orange, and it is these sections which constitute the "signs" of the zodiac. We are, however, chiefly concerned with its equatorial plane, for it is this which we measure in signs or degrees, and which determines the zodiacal position of a planet. ... The "aura" does not turn round each day with the rotation of the earth on its axis, but the Earth spins round within it, like the wheel on a gyroscope." Casting the Horoscope, Alan Leo, p. 229-230.

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Relationships! I keep finding really insightful information about death and grief and I wondered why I am not finding great insights about relationships, and then I see this post by Ram Dass. Its a really good post at I'll share my favorite parts the next fews days and will start a blog post at The Insight Center blog, about relationships, where I will gather insights about relationships!

“The image I always have when I am performing a wedding is the image of a triangle in which there are two partners and then there is this third force, this third being that emerges out of the interaction of these two. The third one is the one that is the shared awareness that lies behind the two of them. And the two people in the yoga of relationship come together in order to find that shared awareness that exists behind them in order to then dance as two. So that the twoness brings them into one and the oneness dances as two, and that’s a kind of a vibrating relationship between the one and the two. So that people are both separate, and yet they are not separate. And they are experiencing that the relationship is feeding both their uniqueness as individuals and their unit of consciousness.” Ram Dass, When I Look at Relationships ,

“Now, that is extremely delicate because it is so easy to get entrenched in your own “I need this,”

“I want this - you are not fulfilling this for me” and seeing the other as object. But the delight, which all of you have experienced, is of being with somebody where you are sharing an awareness of the predicament you are both in. And you are sharing an awareness of the predicament even when you are having an argument with each other – there is an awareness that you are both almost delighting in the horrible beauty of it. We’re hating it and enjoying it both – because there are these levels we are playing at all the time.  We come into relationship often very much identified with our needs. I need this, I need security, I need refuge, I need friendship, I need this. And all of relationships are symbiotic in that sense.  We come together because we fulfill each others’ needs at some level or other.” Ram Dass, When I Look at Relationships,

"So somebody comes along and gets to me. They get me angry or uptight or they awaken some desire in me, wow am I delighted. They got me. And that’s my work on myself. If I am angry with you because your behavior doesn’t fill my model of how you should be, that’s my problem for having models. No expectations, no upset. If you are a liar and a cheat, that’s your Karma. If I’m cheated, that’s my work on myself.My attempting to change you, that’s a whole other ballgame. What I am saying is if I will only be happy if you are different than you are, you are asking for it. You are really asking for it.  Think of how many relationships you say, “I really don’t like that person’s this or that.[ If they would only be this. If I could manipulate them to be this, I can be happy.” Isn’t that weird? Why can’t I be happy with them the way they are? You are a liar, a cheat and a scoundrel and I love you. I won’t play any games with you, but I love you. It’s interesting to move to the level where you can appreciate, love, and allow in the same way you would in the woods.  Instead of constantly bringing in that judging component which is really rooted out of your own feelings of lack of power. Judging comes out of your own fear. Now I fall trap to it all the time. But every time I do, I catch myself.”   Ram Dass, When I Look at Relationships,

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"Redemptive Love does not shy away from suffering, whether one’s own suffering or others’. Redemptive Love embraces suffering in utter acceptance and Love. The challenge to us all is to continually open and stretch ourselves to become large enough to embrace the full measure of life in all its inexhaustible proportion. Life always asks us to become bigger than whatever we encounter, and to stretch our loving embrace to include more than we thought we could. For we are in truth more immense than we imagine, and when we surrender the confines of our mind to the magnitude of our heart, we grow day by day in transformative compassion that has the resilience to withstand the turns of fate that life presents us with." ~Adyashanti Redemptive Love Course

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"Compassion simply stated is leaving other people alone. You don’t lay trips. You exist as a statement of your own level of evolution."

"Some of the beings around you every day are very ancient beings, and some are very new. But is it better or worse? It’s just different. Is it better to be twenty years old than fifty? It’s just different. So why do you judge someone because he’s not as conscious as you are? Do you judge a pre-pubescent because he or she is not sexually aware? You understand. You have compassion. Compassion simply stated is leaving other people alone. You don’t lay trips. You exist as a statement of your own level of evolution. You are available to any human being, to provide what they need, to the extent that they ask. But you begin to see that it is a fallacy to think that you can impose a trip on another person."Ram Dass, Love Serve Remember

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This is a good article with insights on how to make relationships work:…/a-new-love-changing-our-o…/ What do you think?

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness.

And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.

Love one another but make not a bond of love:

Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.

For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.And stand together, yet not too near together:

For the pillars of the temple stand apart,And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow."

Kahlil Gibran, 

The Prophet, via

"Complement this particular portion of the wholly enchanting 

The Prophet

 with Virginia Woolf on 

what makes love last

, philosopher Alain Badiou on 

how we fall and stay in love

, Anna Dostoyevsky on 

the secret to a happy marriage

, Mary Oliver on 

how differences bring couples closer together

, and Joseph Campbell on 

the single most important factor in sustaining romantic relationships

, then revisit Gibran on 

the seeming self vs. the authentic self


the absurdity of our self-righteousness

.", January 2019.“…love invariably does change us, deconditioning our painful pathologies and elevating us toward our highest human potential. It allows us, as Barack Obama so eloquently wrote in his reflections on 

what his mother taught him about love

, “to break across our solitude, and then, if we’re lucky, [be] finally transformed into something firmer.”

“Why is love rich beyond all other possible human experiences and a sweet burden to those seized in its grasp? Because we become what we love and yet remain ourselves.” 

Martin Heidegger, via

“Let there be spaces in your togetherness,And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.Love one another but make not a bond of love:Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.And stand together, yet not too near together:For the pillars of the temple stand apart,And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow." Kahlil Gibran, 

The Prophet, via

“When we partner with others out of a scarcity mentality nothing lasting can come out of it. Not in love or business. Build with others only when doing so feels mutually abundant, satiating in its challenge, and on purpose for all involved.” Chani Nicholas, Instagram

“4 things make your relationship easier:

space to be your own person

less control, more trust

calm communication

selfless listening.” Yung pueblo

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