Insights January 2024
New Year
I wish you peace
I wish you harmony
I wish you love
I wish you awareness
I wish you insight
I wish you forgiveness
I wish you transformation
I wish you being-ness
I wish you peace, harmony, and love in your heart now, today, and always.
“Dec. 31 is not the only day, hour, or minute to look back and reflect. You can do this every minute, hour, and day. Be present. Look with awareness. Let go and move on. Any day and every day.” The Insight Center.
“Out of anxiety comes growth in awareness. Your consciousness is processing and letting go of some current information and making space for new information.” The Insight Center
“I feel committed to making my life from scratch, I don't want to follow known recipes for living. Through this commitment I explore, try experiences on, and let others go. I'm feeling really content with life right now.” Mackenzie Stabler, my Sagittarian niece
“Pain can be transformed to wisdom.” The Insight Center
“Metta can be like composting. It may feel like you're not doing much when you're doing the practice, but then you look around and you've created this rich soil that enriches the things we may eat and enjoy later.” Ruth King
“Answers come when you let go.” Renée Mifsud
“Speak what you seek until you see what you say.” Renée Mifsud
Mindful words for hard times.” The Insight Center
“Shifting archetypes is hard work and worth it.” The Insight Center
“Self-love is simply doing what you need to feel whole again. It's checking in with yourself and asking what you require that day to be your best self - to be connected to the wellspring of love within, without denying your humanity or others'. This doesn't always mean doing what feels good or satisfying a craving, but doing what is necessary, even when it's uncomfortable. Sometimes, the healthiest choice isn't the most enjoyable, at least initially, like sitting with difficult emotions. But in creating that space, we come closer to expressing ourselves through the wholeness of
Self-love is often mistaken for selfishness. But real self-love is being kind and considerate towards yourself without being intentionally unkind or inconsiderate to others. In fact, by loving yourself, you become more thoughtful and accepting of others and better able to care for them. Think of the airplane safety video that advises putting your oxygen mask on first before helping others. Self-love is like that - filling your own cup enables you to pour into the people around you.
Loving yourself isn't something you achieve as such; it's a lifelong journey of coming home to your heart. Self-love can be a daily struggle.
Whether it's past trauma, pain, stress, or societal pressures, truly loving ourselves is tough work. We witness so many distractions and so much destruction throughout our days, making connecting to our wellspring of love difficult.” Vex King
“I am here to know truth and live truth.” The Insight Center
“If you are a person who is individuating, learn to stay in your own information – it’s important. It takes practice to do this. I find that vipassana meditation helps to keep my mind clear and tapped into my information.” The Insight Center
“You will thrive after each awakening.” The Insight Center
“Allow yourself to shift to a new paradigm.” The Insight Center.
“Keep your view on your purpose and let the other chaos go.” The Insight Center
“As you grow and evolve you will to learn, accept and adapt to your new reality at each step of the way. I know it sounds strange, but your reality will adjust each time.” The Insight Center
“I think that when I die, I can breathe back the breath that made me live. I can give back to the world all that I didn't do. All that I might have been and couldn't be. All the choices I didn't make. All the things I lost and spent and wasted. I can give them back to the world. To the lives that haven't been lived yet. That will be my gift back to the world that gave me the life I did live, the love I loved, the breath I breathed.” Ursula K. Le Guin
"As for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything... and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life." GSnow
"We don't know when the diagnosis will come.
We don't know when the disease will worsen.
We don't know when love will arrive. We don't know when it will fade. We can only know that the unexpected will happen, that certainty is a falsity, and that things will be impermanent regardless of how tightly we clench our fists around them. We mourn the brief lives of solitary moments, hoping that running reels through our minds might resuscitate them. And no matter how often my own life has shown me this truth, I relearn it in new ways each time loss arrives." - Sunita Puri -
“When people fall in love with someone's flowers, but not their roots, they don't know what to do when autumn comes. Your relationships need to be built on deep alignment on values, character, and morals (the roots) not just "love" appearance, hobbies & status (the flowers.)” Jay Shetty
The tree meditation
I am a tree - a tall strong tree.
I have strong roots growing deep into the earth.
Deep and strong.
I am tall and strong and feel the stability of my trunk.
I have a beautifully blooming branches at the top of my head.
My roots, trunk, and blooms are aligned, and I stand tall and strong.
I have two arms held out to my sides that are branches reaching out and making me balanced.
I feel strength, ease, and balance. The Insight Center
“Pluto is merciless with the truth.” Farah Saddiq
“Capricorn fear of failure. Cancer softness to be” The Insight Center
“What will I be after these progressions and transits!? More awake? Journal
about this. Journal about the possibilities. More aware? More helpful? More lit up? More clear? Less uptight? Less worried? Less attached?” The Insight Center
“Uranus is like a mardi gras marching band. Loud. Crazy. Wild. Colorful. Unique. Dynamic. Fun. Where is Uranus transiting in your chart!? It is going direct Jan. 26, and will start to get loud.” The Insight Center
“From January 27-April 1, all planets are moving forward (no retrogrades!). It’s a golden period of progress and momentum. Take advantage of moving forward with more ease!” The Insight Center
The 15 years of Pluto in Capricorn have strengthened us!
“Rest in preparation for this period, and plan a hard-earned, well-deserved vacation at the end. We are stepping into a defining era, one marked by a need for passionate leadership and wisdom that is built on experience. The investments we've been making in ourselves since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 have strengthened us. This year, whatever changes are still forming will finally solidify and lay the foundation for the next era. Remember the high bar you set, and work toward mastering peace and pleasure in addition to profitability.” Taylor Shuler
“Pluto bids a final farewell to Capricorn late this year, ushering in a monumental shift as it rumbles through Aquarius for the next 20 years. Last year gave us a taste from March 23 to June 11 of what we might expect to see intensify this year as Pluto travels through 29°21' Capricorn to 2°06' Aquarius. This time, the stakes are higher, and the fever pitch is increasing as we are likely to continue to see outdated traditions, practices, institutions, and their leaders desperately clawing not just for supremacy, but for mere existence. Get ready to continue challenging traditions, amid the clashing of old and new worlds. Brace yourself for January 20, 2024; it promises to be a turning point that catapults us across the temporal divide of Pluto's jolting second ingress into Aquarius.” Taylor Shuler
“During Pluto's stay in Capricorn from January 1-20 and September I - November 19, rise to the challenges. What we've been asked to endure and sacrifice, and what may be asked of us again during Pluto's last days in Saturn's yin sign, is in service of strengthening our resolve so that we are in a powerful position to make strategic, if perhaps eccentric, investments that contribute to leaving the world better than we found it. These opportunities may very be risky, or they may arise out of unplanned but deeply necessary healing measures.” Taylor Shuler
“The evolution is not being televised. Revolution can manifest through powerful mediums like the internet. Heed the call to action - embrace the present and shape the future. In fixed air sign Aquarius, Pluto will redefine our understanding of collective resources and individual worth, driven by Uranus and Saturn (Aquarius's rulers).
These changes will be influenced by the activity of Aquarius's modern ruler, Uranus, and its traditional ruler, Saturn. To use the creative breakthroughs Uranus surprises us with, we must lean on the maturity, discipline, and refinement that Saturn's internal dialogue provides, and remember the importance of how we share vital information with others.” Taylor Shuler
“12th house question: “What are you allowing and what are your bringing in?” The Insight Center
“We plan and take action when Mercury is direct, and then we reflect when Mercury turns retrograde.” Lynn Hayes
“When Mercury is direct. You get your brain back!”
In the wee hours of 21 January (GMT) Pluto drops his Capricorn cloak and goes for something more of Aquarian airy style. There’s a big shift encroaching upon the collective consciousness as he pushes in the clutch for a better gear ratio. Slowly, over the next months, those things seemingly doused in impossibility begin to make more sense and options for resolution appear. Philip Sedgwick