Insights for May 2020

” I think our Saturn placement in our Astrology chart is being lit up right now. The Saturn placement in your chart shows where you have experienced loss in past lives - and in this life you are working hard to not experience the same loss. This past life loss trajectory is now lit up for you. Being aware of this helps you understand your fear and fearful reactions. You are here to learn to understand and process that fear. It will feel more intense for you based on where it was when you were born - we each have our mission. Awareness, acceptance and forgiveness work to heal.” Margaret Gervais

“The stars impel but do not compel. An understanding of planetary influences allows you to take your life into your own hands and intelligently utilize the planetary influences that will help you in your evolution if you but will.” Isabel M. Hickey


will be recording and sharing an exercise on how to Run Your Energy, which is a powerful and beautiful healing practice.  Please check my Resources page, for this and my Grounding Exercise.

“Wellness comes from the alignment of mind, body and spirit. Every day I am making a plan to do something for my mind, something for my body and something for my spirit. Maybe many things under certain categories, but always making sure to do at least one thing in each category - not to leave one out.” Margaret Gervais 


“Too often we mistakenly believe that doing less makes us lazy and results in a lack of productivity. Instead, doing less helps us savor what we do accomplish.” Marc Lesser, “Do Less, Accomplish More.”

“To be mindful means to remember to let go of compulsive reactivity and realize a nonreactive way of life.” Stephen Batchelor, “The Art of Solitude.”

“Breathe. Relax your body. Breathe. Walk in nature. Hug a tree. Breathe. Relax. Sit calmly. Meditate. Order healthy groceries. Wash your hands again. Share loving kindness with all beings. Hydrate. Breathe. Relax.” Margaret Gervais

“You can do it like it’s a great weight on you, or you can do it like it’s part of the dance.” Ram Daas“This is a time when love needs to run the show. Times of scarcity needs to be met with generosity, times of fear with comfort, times of uncertainty with presence. When we care for those around us, we create a field of love.” Thomas Huebl

“Lemon water hydrate. Coffee. Let cat out. Meditate. Pilates. Smoothie. Shower. Clothes (not like pajama Sunday.) Music. Candles. Emails. Notify clients about schedule. PowerPoint. Hydrate. Let cat in (how do cats stay so chill?). Work. How do I stop touching my face? Eat chips, salsa and sour cream while working. Work. Talk to daughter who is in London😬. Stare at garden. Send Newsletter. Get responses. Interact with clients about Newsletter. Is the cat in or out now? More chips and salsa. Instagram surfing. Husband home. Wine/candles/fire/check in. The cat is in. Healthy veg chili dinner. Netflix.” Margaret Gervais

“We’ve done this as human beings before. We’re survivors. We have generations of ancestors behind us cheering us on, and saying, ‘Yep, we’ve lived through some tough stuff too.” Jack Kornfield.

“Hydrate. Rest. Eat healthy foods. Meditate. Breath. Walk. Look at spring flowering trees. Check in with people. Wash hands. Buy from local and smaller/medium businesses. Offer help to small businesses. Be creative. Appreciate goodness. Watch good documentaries along with bad shows. Oh yeah, work. Try new recipes-making pita bread. Write. Read. Paint. Hike. Smile. Rest. Play music and dance.  Wisely choose your news source. Get support. Give support. ❤️ Margaret Gervais

“If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves.” Pablo Neruda, Brainpicker.

Get grounded (send roots from the bottom of your feet your root chakra - your bottom! - down to the core of the earth.)

Breathe in your own positive energy.

Breath out all negative energy.




For as long as needed.

As many times a day as needed.


Lemon water. coffee. smoothie. Listen to astrology podcast. meditate. pilates via zoom. reading astrology. Ordering online presents for bday. lunch. reading studying astrology. chilling. Pouring rain outside. nap.” Margaret Gervais

“Your soul


the plan

you made for this

lifetime and is

always guiding and

supporting you.”

maryam hasnaa

Do you find yourself stalling out some days? Feeling flat? Cranky? down? This is the time to create and/or remember your basic practice. Deep breathing. Meditation. Grounding. Long walk. Tea. Nature. Reading. Writing. Music. Connect to authentic people. Make a list of your basics and feel good about doing those 3-5 things daily each day. It is enough. Really.✨ Margaret Gervais

“Spiritual growth is incremental.” Margaret Gervais

“The entire human collective is my community.

The entire human species in my family.

I belong here.” Tom Jacobs

“Ground yourself daily

Release fears daily

Empower yourself by knowing, learning, trusting truth

Disengage from old patterns of collective consciousness

Connect with your inner truth

Individuate Support yourself and others.”

©insightcenter. 2020. All rights reserved. 


Insights for August 2020


Insights for March 2020