Insights for March 2023
Awakening Insights
"Rather than making a few heroic or virtuous gestures or taking on some righteous cause, the idea is to have a quality of awareness, gentleness, and benefit to others color everything you do." Judy Lief, “Train Your Mind: All activities should be done with one intention”
Sometimes patience shows up. The middle path is a huge fan of patience. The Insight Center
Do the outer work first. The daily work. Then do the inner work. The inner work is a reflection of the outer work. The Insight Center
When you evolve and your vibrations are at a higher level, you will be in a space where you need more rest. The Insight Center
Be open to what’s next. The Insight Center
Awaken. Know. Choose. Let go. Heal . Awaken. Know. Let go. Heal. The Insight Center
When anxiety arises use inquiry. What am I feeling? Name it. Allow it. See it. Know it. Over and over. This way you deeply connect with your truth and see yourself deeply and clearly so you can let it go. See it. Release it. The Insight Center
One advantage of a solo retreat is being alone. One challenge of a solo retreat is being alone. The Insight Center
Make no excuses. Make peace. The Insight Center
I am choosing fate. I know that sounds strange. How can we “choose “ fate!?! Look at it through the back door - which to is release clinging and attachment. The Insight Center
Ego loves tension and wisdom loves peace. The Insight Center
Do what you love. And keep doing what you love. The Insight Center
Denial of aging alienates you from reality. The Insight Center
Meditation Insights
When you get bored or it feels arduous to meditate the last 10 or 14 minutes, remember that you are building your meditation muscle. The Insight Center
Having a good day? Meditate.
Having a bad day? Meditate.
Feeling anxious? Meditate.
Feeling happy? Meditate.
See? It’s the equalizer. The awareness equalizer. The Insight Center
It is a bonus when grounding naturally shows up during meditation. Ground, and return to your breath. The Insight Center
If sending love and / or healing can show up during meditation. Send it if it’s aligned with you, and return to your breath. The Insight Center
With Vipassanā Meditation you receive wisdom without attachment and you can trust what arises as wisdom. The Insight Center
You are in France doing a solo retreat. You are in an apt. in a small village. They are jack hammering up the small street next to you. What do you do? Meditate. Meditate as usual. Meditate during the jack hammering. Do you know why!? Sometimes there are obstacles to our meditation and in our lives. One option is avoidance (I could go for a walk or a drive,) but my mind, body, and spirit will still be waiting for the meditation. So sit as usual and meditate through the obstacle. It builds meditation muscle. The Insight Center
“Sitting quietly (often called meditation) can be the most sublimely peaceful experience. It offers the most refined way to really rest into non-doing - an opportunity to truly relax not only your muscles, but also your nervous system, your breathing, your thought world. Meditation can be a moment of bathing deeply in true silence, stillness, and peace.” Martin Aylward
Meditation reminds me of the ordinary. An everyday practice of meditation is ordinary. It is not special. It is not about achieving. It is about being. Being ordinary. The Insight Center
Vipassanā Meditation practice includes choice-less awareness. Whatever shows up, shows up. And we don’t attach or judge. Choice-less awareness then starts to show up in your life - showing you how to not attach and not label. The Insight Center
"… the whole Buddhist path is nothing but a way to get from who and where we think we are to who and where we really are." Melvin McLeod
A deep breath during meditation is a release. The Insight Center
Grief Insights
The purpose of death is the release of love. The Insight Center
Relationship Insights
Don’t get overly invested in what you think is in the mind and thoughts of another. Rick Hansen. This is his new book on relationships, "Making Great Relationships: Simple Practices for Solving Conflicts, Building Connection, and Fostering Love"
Don’t worry about how to say it right. Say it straight with kindness. The Insight Center
Astrology Insights
Astrology for March 2023 is BIG
I primarily watch the big outer planets for their shifts because they are the planets of transformation. These movements create shifts for everyone and profound changes for us. In March 2023 these changes are are profound and create openings for alignment with our truth and break down prior structures to create space for revolutionary awakening and transformation.
SATURN - MARCH 7 - SATURN ENTERS PISCES. What is your dream and how will you make it your reality? Where is Saturn bringing this energy into your chart? Contact me for a reading.
PLUTO- MARCH 24 PLUTO ENTERS AQUARIUS for 3 months. This is big news.
Pluto is currently in CAPRICORN and is moving into ➡️AQUARIUS Mar. 24 and it retrogrades ⬅️and ➡️until 11.20.24:
Mar. 24, 2023 Pluto ➡️ AQUARIUS
June 12. 2023 Pluto ⬅️ CAPRICORN
Jan. 22, 2024 Pluto ➡️ AQUARIUS
Sept. 3, 2024 Pluto ⬅️ CAPRICORN
Nov. 20, 2024 Pluto ➡️ AQUARIUS
The Pluto in Aquarius time will be about dynamic progressive changes. Aquarius is about awakening. It will be a time of acceleration. Discovery. Invention. Futuristic. Technology. Connectivity. AI. Unexpected forward trajectories. Freedom. Brotherhood/sisterhood. Revolution for the people. Hang on and be on board or get left behind. To understand more about how this impacts you, it is important to know where the Pluto transit is happening in your chart. Contact me for a reading.
Astrology shows you the patterns. Then you learn the patterns. Then you recognize the patterns. Then you break the patterns. Then you create new patterns. This is the alchemy of the cosmic game. Farah Siddiq
Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces: The sensitive, intuitive water element, often mistaken for weakness, is actually a powerful agent for change in surprising and paradoxical ways.
“Water us yielding, but all-conquering. Water extinguishes Fire, or finding itself likely to be defeated, escapes as steam and reforms. Water washes away soft Earth, or when confronted by rocks, seeks a way around. It saturates the atmosphere so that Wind dies. Water gives way to obstacles with deceptive humility, for no power can prevent it following its destined course to the sea. Water conquers by yielding; it never attacks but always wins the last battle.” Lao Tau
Full moon quandary: How much am I living my life is response to others?
"Saturn - decide what you are going to take seriously". Mark Jones
What are your most important dreams and what is the strategy you can take? [This is] Saturn in pisces. Mark Jones
During a difficult planetary transit, follow the lead of the transiting planet. The Insight Center