Insights for March, 2014


“Each of us is born with a life task to reconnect to the core of our being. In order to do this, we must remove the blocks between our conscious awareness and our core.” Light Emerging, Barbara Ann Brennan, pg. 12

“Your embodied truth meter is your energy field at the physical, mental and spiritual levels: YOU CANNOT LIE TO YOUR OWN ENERGY FIELD.” David Pond, Astrologer, 2013 Winter Solstice Newsletter

“Your embodied truth meter includes your emotions, your intuition, your imagination and your soul’s urge. You can reclaim your ability to be the authority of these aspects of your being.” David Pond, Astrologer, 2013 Winter Solstice Newsletter

Where is Chiron in your natal chart? “The position of Chiron describes where we construct a bearable reality and a host of defense mechanisms to hide the loneliness and alienation suffered from being " different" and not being deeply

I have been dealing with grief and loss, as we all do, and this came across my desk (via Tricycle: The Buddhist Review) today, and I am contemplating it: "Grief might be, in some ways, the long aftermath of love, the internal work of knowing, holding, more fully valuing what we have lost." Mark Doty, "Don't They Know?

"The grief I am experiencing has a heavy weight of regret for time lost with my friend.” This, too, came across my desk from Eckhart Tolle, and I really liked it: “If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.”

"Divine happiness, even the tiniest particle of a grain of it, never leaves one again; and when one attains to the essence of things and finds one’s Self–this is supreme happiness. When it is found, nothing else remains to be found; the sense of want will not awaken anymore, and the heart’s torment will be stilled forever. Do not be satisfied with fragmentary happiness, which is invariably interrupted by shocks and blows of fate; but become complete, and having attained to perfection, be YOURSELF." Sri Anandamayi Ma

"When the evolutionary intent is radical the capacity for resistance is enormous." Mark Jones.

I love David Pond's astrology. He writes beautifully about the upcoming CARDINAL CROSS this April. Yes, it is a very intense alignment of planets all calling for ACTION. But I am tired of hearing astrologers worry about it. It's a call to action after all, and the best way to handle a spinning pinwheel of activity is to be as centered as possible to your core. If you are very centered to your core, the pinwheel of energy spinning around it will activate and manifest for you. Get clear on your core and shift your energy to this solid place.

"For some who like this dynamic intensity, it can be a most productive, innovative forward moving time in their lives, while for others this swirling vortex feels like a tempest in a teacup that can’t be controlled.

Spring Equinox: To Dance with Change this spring, Don’t Expect a Waltz!

The astrology for this spring presents one of the most dynamic, intense, fast moving energy patterns we’ve encountered. The much-heralded Cardinal Grand Cross (also called Grand Square) comes into exact aspect this spring and the wheel of change will be spinning like a centrifuge. In the world around us we are seeing this manifest as extreme weather patterns and extreme political uprisings. Everything seems to be intensified as the clash between the old and new comes to a head. Such is the nature of the energy field around us this spring and in this newsletter we will focus on how to utilize this energy to initiate positive changes in our individual lives.It is the same Sun that rises and sets for all of us. It is the same energy field we are all in and yet, how each of us responds to this intense energy is totally up to each individual. This energy pattern produces the awareness of where change is necessary in your life, and provides the energy to take action. The Cardinal signs initiate action; don’t wait for change—seek it. The grand square is like a cosmic accelerator and you can use it to accelerate shifting from old to the new in your life.Moving from Dysfunctional to Functional As the wheel of life spins faster, it becomes more important to know your center. What is all of this dynamic change revolving around? This is the most dynamic, energetic vortex of swirling energy imaginable. For some who like this dynamic intensity, it can be a most productive, innovative forward moving time in their lives, while for others this swirling vortex feels like a tempest in a teacup that can’t be controlled.A pinwheel gains momentum and reveals its brilliance by casting off its spent fuel. Where is it that you could gain momentum in your life by casting off the spent fuel in your life; things, people, behavior patterns, that you are holding onto that no longer feed you, or are no longer functional.You can use the centrifugal force of this energy and the pinwheel effect to help you cast off dysfunctional aspects of your life. With Pluto in Capricorn, we know the ideal is to move towards a sustainable life, but before the ideal is reached, simply becoming functional is a big step, and casting off that which is dysfunctional is a beginning. This is an excellent time for facing that which is dysfunctional in your life and transforming it into functional.The vehicle of your being is going to be moving fast. How’s your ride? Smooth, bumpy or careening recklessly out of control?” David Pond,

" individuals, we must all do our part... our part is to make the best, most creatively inspired, spiritually astute thing we can out of the life in play." Philip Sedgwick

"There is no such thing as two people—whether baby and mother, two lovers, or teacher and student—being perfectly in sync with each other’s needs and wishes. Real intimacy arises from an ongoing process of connection that at some point is disrupted and then, ideally, repaired."  Pilar Jennings, “Looking into the Eyes of a Master”

“Most of what we're missing, I believe, is trust in ourselves. Self-trust is the foundation of all other kinds of trust because all of them come back to you trusting your decision to have faith in a situation. This has been injured so many times that it seems like trust is either impossible, or it is always going to be betrayed. Neither of these is true, but it will seem true if it's the only option we have.” Eric Francis

“I believe that trust is cultivated by exactly the opposite property: understanding what we can give to any situation. Trust and love are closely related; we tend to love what we nurture, whether it's a child, a friend, a puppy or a home. One skill here is learning to properly nourish yourself, which will definitely help -- but replacing this chilly quality of "what can I withhold?" with "what can I offer?" is going to help many ways, including proving that you really do have something to offer; something truly worthwhile -- and that may answer one of your most nagging doubts.”  Eric Francis

“Be cool. Locate your inner weird and find your personal non-ordinary reality. Then superimpose that onto the real world.”  Philip Sedgwick

“Find a place within your inner resourcefulness that brings you absolute contentment.”  Philip Sedgwick

MUSIC can increase well-being for cancer patients. Yes! Make several playlists, and listen often.

Meditation helps relieve stress and helps us tap our inner voice:  “Find solitude. Meditation helps relieve stress and helps us tap our inner voice. If you don't like being with yourself, how can you expect others to like being with you?” Kawasaki wrote.

“Many of my best ideas have come to me when I am driving alone. I've often thought that my creativity has declined because I do not take long drives as often!” 


Insights for April 2014


Insights for February 2014