Insights for February 2022
“Remember waaaaayyyy back when we used to get depressed just because it was winter?
Hang in there everyone.
None of this is easy. “ ~ Ethan Nichtern
“To embody the transcendent is why we are here.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche
“If you want to wake up
Do your work.
If you do your work,
You will wake up.” ~
“Dear past self,
Thanks for everything, but I’m moving on.
It’s not you. It’s me.” ~ spirit daughter
Maybe it’s not about
doing some thing
Maybe it’s about
being some way” ~
“IT’S HARD BECAUSE YOU’R DOING IT RIGHT “~ Jessica Schultz @jessicaschultzpilates
Normalize sayings like:
· “I’ll get back to you”
· “I need to reschedule”
· “_____doesn’t work for me”
· “I can’t help this time”
· “I’ve changed my mind”
· “I’m not able to do ______”
· I don’t like ___________” @the_peoplepleasing_therapist
“Did you change, or did you just release the energy that doesn’t belong to you?” ~ Maryam Hasnaa
“Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones. “ ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
“If you want to make your own internal experience more hospitable, only you can do that work. Others can always support and guide you and spark insights, but ultimately you are your own boss and the agent of understanding your mind and opening your heart.” ~ Ethan Nichtern, “Awake with Others”
“You do not need
A partner to feel whole
You do not need
To have everything figured out to feel successful
You do not need
To be fully healed to feel peace
You do not need
To be fully wise to feel happy
Embracing yourself as you are
Reinforces your worth and
Decreases the friction in your mind” ~ yung pueblo
GRIEF insights
I am a continuation, like the rain is a continuation of the cloud. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
RIP Thich Nhat Hanh. You have been a beautiful, inspiring, wise soul and teacher. I highly recommend all his books and teachings.
“Meditation is a method of recognizing and being aware of the inherent completeness of each moment” ~. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
“When you breathe in, your mind comes back to your body, and then you become fully aware that you’re alive, that you are a miracle and everything you touch could be a miracle – the orange in your hand, the blue sky, the face of a child.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
“When we practice, we develop a basic vision, which gets stronger over time, as to who we really are and what we’re really doing in our life. When I say, “a vision,” I don’t mean something mystical. I mean acknowledging who you are and what you want to do next.“
“I believe this “vision” is to know your way. Knowing where your ultimate arrows are pointed.
Your endgame. And maintaining focus on that while navigating life. Because this is what matters to the core of your soul. Your version. Your vision. Meditation helps clarify this and serves as a daily reminder.” ~ Charlotte Joko Beck
HEALING Insights
“Whatever is happening to us now mirrors our past karma.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche
“In this and every timeless now the unknown is emerging as the known, the invisible is manifesting as the visible and existence is evolving spontaneously. The only sane response to live is gratitude and unprovoked joy.” ~ Deepak Chopra
out toxic
in clarity
and elevation of
awareness “~
“The body cannot be healed while there remains an unquiet mind, the mind cannot be well if there’s emotional turmoil, and nothing can be whole unless the spirit is also considered.” Dr. Branda Davies
“Feeling unsettled (awakening)
Meditated (clarifying)
Experienced energetic recalibration.” ~
“When you stop
carrying their energy, you will
have more energy” ~
Signs of a deep friend connection:
“Laughter is abundant
Honesty is encouraged
Vulnerability is welcomed
Support is real and active
You can put your guard down
You inspire each other to grow
You give each other good advice
They help during times of struggle
Both of you feel stronger together” ~ yung pueblo
“When two people have nothing to hide, no one to impress, nothing to lose, no games left to play, no attachment to specific outcomes…real connection and intimacy happens.” ~ Maryam Hasnaa
ASTROLOGY insights
Pluto Return for the United States
Did you know that countries and cities have astrology charts? They do! The USA has a birth chart based on the signing of the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776, @ 5:10 PM in Philadelphia.
The USA chart has Pluto at 27.33˚ in Capricorn (building structure and success) in the second house of values, resources ($), and material security. These matters are being activated.
Pluto is a very slow-moving planet. It takes 224 years to travel around the Sun and return to its starting point. Humans, living an average of 90 years, never have a Pluto return. But countries can and do.
Pluto is about power, control, and transformation. The transformation comes from destruction/annihilation* and rebuilding/regeneration. Pluto will deeply transcend what we know, have us release and grow in the process, and we will be stronger as a result.
On Feb. 20, 2022, Pluto will return to 27.33˚ in Capricorn, exactly aligning with the placement in the USA chart; in the second house. See chart below. The USA will experience a plutonian transformation, destruction/annihilation* and rebuilding/regeneration of USA values and resources. This is not a huge surprise, is it?
It is important to know that the impact of a Pluto return begins about 10 or so years as it moves in to exact alignment (and 10 years after) and it is easy to see the impact of Pluto on USA values, economy, and material security.
Feb. 20, 2022 is the day of perfect alignment. (Pluto will also have a retrograde motion several times over the next few years and move back and forth over 27.33˚.) It may be significant - but the exact calendar days are not always the strongest impact. The impact has been underway for at least 10 to 12 years – and will continue for 10 to 12 years.
Capricorn likes structure and winning, and the USA has been focused on these values and material success. Pluto has been passing through Capricorn since 2008, breaking down structures Americans count on, bringing unsolved matters to light, and looking for transformation.
There has been a tremendous strain on the country and Americans during this time (recession, unemployment, many industries are obsolete, gun violence, racial violence, domestic terrorism, sexual abuse, COVID - 19, work from home, nationalism/Jan. 6 insurrection) - destruction of the old - to rebuild/regenerate. The USA will continue to experience deep and intense undoing/dismantling as steps toward powerful change.
For the next few weeks stay aware, be cautious and observant, and pay attention to your values and resources, release what is old and outdated, and be open to new regenerative energy if you are American or affiliated with the USA.
*If these words are trigger words for you, please use, “breaking down to make space for something new.”
I would love to do this transformative Workshop for your professional team or family. Please reach out to me for Workshop information at
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