Insight Center Newsletter for December 2021


“Let go or be dragged.” Buddhist Boot Camp

“When you feel super out of alignment, check your ego.” The Insight Center

“A quickening of the frequency of the energy field isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  However, it does require raising your own frequency to align with it, rather than resisting or fighting against it as if were being caused by some supposed “bad guy”.  ~ David Pond

“The underlying sense of uneasiness that we have now is actually a good thing: it is the expression of our sensitivity. Those who go through life without feeling ill at ease are unconscious. The uneasy feeling caused by our awareness holds tremendous potential for transformation. It is a treasure of energy that we can grasp with both hands and use to build something better. Indifference doesn't lead anywhere.”
Oral advice transcribed by the author. ~ JIGME KHYENTSE RINPOCHE

“For soulful seekers - live in alignment with your truth.” ~ The Insight Center

“There is as much value in the negative space. Not every second of your life has to be filled. A packed agenda is not success. Living to work as opposed to working to live is not a quality of life.  Things are not split into “times in which you’re doing something that other people can quantify” and “times you’re doing nothing.” It’s all important. Your deepest revelations happen in silent moments with yourself. Being crowded with people and appointments and ideas and creative outpourings wouldn’t be so profound and stunning if there weren’t also moments of aloneness and nothingness and mental drought. The context matters. The focal point of a piece of art wouldn’t exist without the negative space to frame it.” ~ @briannawiest

“There is no need to worry if you are truly on your path. Stay true and course correct.” ~ The Insight Center

“Your new life is going to cost you your old one. It’s going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction. It’s going to cost you relationships and friends. It’s going to cost you being like and understood. It doesn’t matter. The people who are meant for you are going to meet you on the other side. You are going to build a new comfort zone around the things that actually move you forward. Instead of being liked, you’re going to be loved. Instead of being understood, you’re going to be seen. All you’re going to lose is what was built for a person you no longer are. Let it go.”  ~ Briannawiest

“Dropping our expectations of ourselves and others creates space for true freedom and allows authenticity to flourish.” ~ Jacquie Compton

"Your boundaries attract the right type of energy.” ~ Lalah Delia 


Go outside
Repeat” ~ The Insight Center

“I respect the monastics, but the worldly path is not lesser. I want to embrace the world and see if that can be a complete path of wisdom in and of itself.” ~ Ethan Nichtern

“In truth, we don’t need to know what the future will bring. We just need to be right in this moment, and if we touch it deeply, mind and body united.” ~ Kaira Jewel Lingo

“To give freedom to a child, you must first understand yourself, the giver of freedom, the educator. If I have to educate a child but do not understand myself and so start with my conditioned response, how can I teach them? ~ Krishnamurti

“Attention is like a fire, when that attention is there that thing which is sorrow, the loneliness, the pain, the anxiety, the tears, when there is that complete attention all that goes, disappears.  Attention is a flame.” ~ Krishnamurti

“My heart awakens to the Love that I am.” ~

When you are congruent with your own essence, you’re not trying to convince people of it, you’re just being it.” ~ Maryam Hasnaa

11 unforgettable truths 2021 taught me:

“Your healing comes first

Boundaries will nourish you

Being busy is not glamorous

Heavy emotions are temporary

Say yes only when it feels right

Self-awareness helps you react less

Build with emotionally mature people

Embracing change lifts up your peace

Saying no supports your mental health

Healing yourself helps heal your connections y

You lose yourself by trying to please everyone.”

~ Yung Pueblo


“Make your life better by letting go of the attachment t to wanting others to perceive you a certain way. Trying to control how others perceive you can drag you into people pleasing. You cannot control another’s perception because it is partially formed by their emotional history.” ~ Yung Pueblo


“In the deepest forms of insight, we see that things change so quickly that we can’t hold onto anything, and eventually the mind lets go of clinging. Letting go brings equanimity; the greater the letting go, the deeper the equanimity.” ~ Sayadaw U Pandita, “A Perfect Balance”

“We meditate to get better at life.” ~ Sharon Salzberg

“Meditation practice makes it easier to choose what to focus on, let go of, linger with, indulge in, turn away from, enhance, or reiterate.” ~ Jill Satterfield

GRIEF insights

“When I ‘m gone & flowers grown from my body, my spirit will reunite with the stars, and I will be forever eternal. “~ Cocorrina   

“Freedom is found in the contemplation of death.” ~ Vish Sharma

“Sometimes suffering can be intense and have no easy resolution. In those kinds of situations, compassion is bearing with the impulses to try to prematurely solve situations. Compassion becomes our willingness to keep showing up: to listen deeply, bear witness, and be with suffering.” ~ Christina Feldman and Chris Cullen

HEALING insights 

“If you are a recovering co-dependent, it is really important to not let a narcissist recruit you (and don’t feel guilty about it.)”  ~ The Insight Center

“In the midst of a breakdown, we often wonder whether we have gone mad. We have not. We’re behaving oddly, no doubt, but beneath the agitation we are on a hidden yet logical search for health. We haven’t become ill; we were ill already. Our crisis, if we can get through it, is an attempt to dislodge us from a toxic status quo and constitutes an insistent call to rebuild our lives on a more authentic and sincere basis. It belongs, in the most acute and panicked way, to the search for self-knowledge.”

 ~  Alain de Botton

“The first secret of dealing with anxiety making energy isn’t a secret at all—it is breath. Energy follows breath, and anytime you are anxious, the breath is always restricted and shallow. Breathe deep into the belly and expand your sense of self to embrace the energy. On a deep in breath, picture yourself rising up on top of this energy wave, like a surfer riding the wave—you can’t quit the wave, but you can ride it.” ~  David Pond

“A life changing Intuitive Healing session for a client can also be life changing for the healer.” ~  The Insight Center

“Allowing us to see with wisdom into the deeper truths that can not only treat but cure suffering, insight shows us that all things arise and pass away in a radically changing stream of experience, that both internal and external phenomena are independently conditioning one another, and that the sense of self we create to navigate process is an arbitrary and contingent construct. Knowing this allows us to abide in the world without resistance, without clinging, and with equanimity. Only when we clearly see the thirst of craving-the underlying cause of suffering-are we able to quench it.” ~ Andrew Olendzki

 Gentle Reminder: “Everything doesn’t have to be a struggle or fight. Sometimes the best way to protect your peace and preserve your energy is to not engage. Standing in your power will become easier when you realize that you’re in charge of who and what gets access to you.” ~ Alex Elle


“healing yourself will ask more of you

more rest
more self-love
more letting go
more time for learning
more space for transformation
more honest about how you feel
more time developing good habits
more courage to try new practices
more time cultivating your inner peace
more faith in yourself and the process”
~ Yung Pueblo


“I protect my energy by keeping my circle small.

I protect my energy by unfollowing what disturbs it.

I protect my energy by enjoying my alone time.

I protect my energy by enforcing boundaries.

I protect my energy by releasing what wants to leave.

I protect my energy by releasing expectations.

I protect my energy by prioritizing growth and ease.

I protect my energy by choosing to learn from my L’s.

I protect my energy by not giving everyone access to it.

I protect my energy by cultivating more self-love.

Instead of dwelling I choose growth and progression.”

~ We The Urban

They asked her,

“Can time heal you?”

She answered.

“You are the key to your healing, not time. Hurt, trauma and dense conditioning will continue sitting in your mind, impacting your emotions and behavior, until you go inward. What heals is self-love, learning to let go, self-awareness and building new habits.” ~ Yung Pueblo | intention


ASTROLOGY insights

Uranus – the planet of “expect the unexcepted” – therefore, change, impulsiveness, individuation, freedom-seeking, and awakening, is in retrograde all of December (until January 18, 2022.) Uranus wants to you continue to pay attention to the opportunities for growth and change where it is transiting in your chart. 

“Everything in astrology has a higher purpose, and, with effort, there is always a way to get there.” Steven Forrest

“Planets in the 12th house are guiding you to align with internal mastery.” ~ The Insight Center

“Let the Moon

teach you that

your darkest hours

will give birth to

your brightest nights.” ~ Spirit Daughter


Insight Center Insights for January 2022


Insight Center Newsletter for November 2021