2014 Astrology Forecast

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2014 Forecast: retrograde planets and Pluto/Uranus transits.

Insight Center Forecast chart

2014 is a year with many key retrograding planets and major aspects of outer planets.  Read this accompanying chart by looking across the top at the months and read down to see what is happening that month.  For example, if you are feeling confused and having a hard time moving forward in your life in early March, you can look down the vertical column for March and see that Mars (the planet of ACTION) is retrograde after March 2 and Saturn (the planet of DISCIPLINE) is retrograde after March 2, and Jupiter (the planet of EXPANSION) is retrograde after March 5. 

Read below for more insights into what Mars, Saturn and Jupiter retrograde mean.If you want to know specifically how these retrogrades are affecting you based on their placements in your chart please contact me for an appointment.


We say a planet is retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac.  It is important to be aware of retrogrades because it is a time to re-evaluate, pause, re-think, re-do, remember. The adjoining chart illustrates all of the planets that will go retrograde in 2014 and the dates of their retrograde pattern.Below is narrative on what each planet in retrograde motion may be signifying to you:

Venus Retrograde – Jan. 1, 2014 – Jan. 30, 2104 (short-lived!)

Venus is the planet of DESIRE.  When Venus is retrograde, what you desire may not be manifesting as you wish.  It is a good time to revise, re-new, re-establish what it is you desire about relationships and values.  Do some inner work and get clear about your desires/values and wait until Venus goes direct to manifest these revised desires/values.

Mercury Retrograde – three times this year – two of them for quite short times.

Mercury represents our MIND and COMMUNICATION.  We all hear about Mercury retrograde.  This is when computers break, emails can’t be sent, documents get lost, cell phones won’t work and communications get screwed up.  All things “communication” are affected.  Linear thinking takes a break. This is a great period to take a “time out” from fast paced expectations around communications and re-think, revise, re-do, re-analyze and re-study your communications.  Build flexibility into decision-making. Take time, be patient and when Mercury goes direct, your revised communications will flow.  Patience is key.

Saturn Retrograde – March into July.

Saturn represents what we take seriously, rational and direct action, rules and regulations for guiding our lives, looking at our responsibilities and limitations, and defining boundaries by keeping us focused on what needs to get done. When Saturn is retrograde, this capacity does not function properly, making us less clear and less able to assess realistically what can be expected in any situation. A common mistake is saying YES when we should say NO, especially in activities and relationships ruled by Saturn’s house position.  This is not the best time to make commitments.  It is a good time to re-asses commitments and responsibilities, say a final NO to a commitment not worth keeping. Re-think goals along with commitments.

Jupiter Retrograde – January into March, and December.

Jupiter represents expansion, opportunity and good fortune. Jupiter retrograde is a spiritual and philosophical influence and is a time to explore ideas and philosophies to gain perspective on your life.  It is also a good time to complete a Jupiter oriented project such a going back to school, taking a journey you have put off or connecting with old colleagues and friends. Because of the spiritual approach to this Jupiter retrograde transit, it is not a time to initiate business or material activities.

Uranus Retrograde – July through most of December.

Uranus represents expansion, innovation, and impulsive movement. A Uranus retrograde is a time when this energy builds and results can be very expansive and innovative. Uranus’ retrograde motion tends to stimulate deep psychological investigation and analysis. It favors activities that require bursts of inventive and intuitive energy. When Uranus transits retrograde, it will reawaken freedom urges causing the individual to suddenly rebel against ruts or confinement in their life.  Wait until the retrograde is over to implement new discoveries.

Neptune Retrograde – June into November.

Retrograde Neptune causes dreamy/visionary/idealistic sensitivity and receptivity to be much more acute. Due to this heightened receptivity, we see more possibility than when Neptune is direct. We are more intuitive. Be very attuned to your inner voice/emotional intelligence at this time. Be sure to communicate and share what you are experiencing because this can be a time of psychic overload for those who are very attuned and sensitive.Note: avoid drugs, chemicals and stimulants during Neptune retrograde. And if you are sensitive intuitively, protect yourself by refraining from associating with addictive personalities, psychic attractions, and overwhelming people who drain your energies. Be aware of picking up too much energy from others. As an asset, it is also a good time to deepen psychic intuition and deep spiritual interests.

Pluto Retrograde – Mid April into Mid September.

As with these other “outer planets” (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), Pluto tends to operate even more Plutonian when it is retrograde. It is far more intense, and concentrated.  When Pluto retrogrades, we are driven to let go of (regenerate) attitudes, thinking/communication modes, sense of security, tightly held emotions; in other words, a very good time to undergo internal house cleaning.  Go inward and see what is happening on a soulful level.  Eliminate what is not working and that you don’t need. This is a great time to gain greater control over our personal life.

Chiron Retrograde

Chiron in direct motion helps us heal others and ourselves. Retrograde Chiron attracts the guidance and healing we need in order to heal the deepest, darkest parts of ourselves. Chiron retrograde directs our focus inward. This is a good time to reflect, review, and repair. Our abilities to be more aware of the problem and the extent and root of the problem will be increased. And this will help us find the solution or gain the healing necessary to move past the problem.


All planets are in motion.  As they move they are activated by the angles between them and other planets.  This report focuses on the most transformative transits created by outer (farther away and more transpersonal) planets.

URANUS SQUARE PLUTO (as indicated in red on the chart) EXACT ON APRIL 22 and DEC. 15.

This powerful transit has been the dominant transit for the past several years, and will continue into 2015.  On April 22, 2014, these two powerful outer planets will be exactly squared to each other (90 degrees apart).  At the same time Mars and Jupiter will also square these planets, creating a Cardinal Grand Cross.Uranus is in Aries, the rebel that demands expansion of the new and is bringing in new energy.  Pluto is in Capricorn, represents breaking apart and complete transformation. Mars is in Libra, which makes this planet of action more ambiguous and somewhat graceful under the circumstances, and Jupiter is in Cancer, creating expansion of caretaker/security-based energy. 

There is a lot more to be said about this very dynamic and intense transit!  If you want a reading during this time to see how the cardinal cross will impact you, please contact me.


Meditate to Let Go


Jung, Mythology, and Astrology